Close up image taken side on of a lady’s hands covering her face

Are ‘Vampire Facials’ the Secret to Looking Younger?

Written by: Rebecca Eaton



Time to read 4 min

So, you’ve heard about the hype surrounding the so-called ‘vampire facials’ phenomenon, and you’ve found yourself scrolling the internet to understand what it is and if it’s as scary as it sounds?

Well, the good news is that you’re in the right place…and we’re here to give you a Doctor’s take on this skin treatment to help separate fact from fiction and give you the complete rundown on this incredibly unique and powerful cosmetic treatment. Let’s get started!

The quick guide:

What is a vampire facial?

Vampire facials, more formally known as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) facials, are highly effective cosmetic treatments that inject platelet-rich plasma into your face to help improve skin texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles, and collagen production. This anti-ageing treatment pairs micro-needling with plasma to help you achieve healthier, younger, and more radiant-looking skin. 

Why vampire facials? Simply put, our blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelets are important in producing growth factor proteins that support wound healing, skin renewal, and skin structure and elasticity.

How does a PRP facial work?

A PRP Facial will vary from clinic to clinic. Although, generally, you can expect the following process:

  1. A qualified nurse will draw a small amount of blood from your arm. Think of this as a simple blood test you’d get at your local GP. 
  2. Once drawn, the nurse will place the vial of blood in a centrifuge, a device used to spin the blood to help separate the platelet-rich plasma from red and white blood cells.  
  3. Your skin therapist or nurse will then begin micro-needling your face to create small pricks in the skin. This process encourages a wound-healing response that promotes collagen production to help renew the skin. 
  4. Your plasma will be massaged into your face, neck, and décolletage to assist the healing response. Your therapist may also suggest injecting some of the plasma into specific areas of your face, i.e., below your eyes. 

Fun fact about platelets:

when your plasma is concentrated using a centrifuge, it contains roughly 3-5x more platelets than what’s naturally found through regular blood circulation. 

A close up photo of a lady touching her face while smiling

What are the benefits of a PRP facial?  

Despite PRP facials gaining popularity in recent years, PRP injections have been a longstanding treatment option used to treat sporting injuries (i.e., joints). Simply put, PRP treatments —whether a facial or joint injection- work similarly: they’re designed to expedite your body’s growth and healing processes. 

Micro-needling or injecting your body’s plasma back into itself helps stimulate cell migration and collagen production. This process can offer the following benefits:

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimise the dark circle under your eyes
  • Reduce scarring visibility
  • Reduce the appearance of sun damage
  • Help smoothen textured skin 
  • Reduce the appearance of acne and other scarring

How long does a PRP facial take?

Generally speaking, PRP facials take, on average, around 45 minutes to complete from start to finish. To be safe, it's best to allow a little extra time so we can ensure the highest quality of care.

Who is most suited to a vampire facial? 

The fantastic thing about PRP facials is that they’re versatile and can help treat a range of skin concerns. PRP facials are particularly beneficial for those who struggle with the following:

  • Surface level sun damage — i.e., sun spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scarring
  • Uneven skin tone
A close up photo of a lady applying moisturiser to her face while smiling

How often should you get PRP facials?

Like most cosmetic and skin treatments, PRP facials don’t offer fully permanent results; they require a maintenance plan to help you maximise the benefits. 

Unfortunately, there is no conclusive answer to how many PRP treatments a patient will require, as each treatment plan is customised based on your skin condition and goals. Your skin therapist will assess your skin and suggest a unique treatment plan. 

However, many patients will opt for PRP facials every few weeks in the initial stages of the treatment journey. Following this, treatments are often reduced to two to four times a year to help maintain the results. Although, there certainly isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to PRP facials.

What's the recovery protocol for a PRP facial?  

All skin is unique and will require a personalised recovery plan prescribed by your skin therapist. However, many people generally experience redness and irritation for two to six days post-treatment. 

Additionally, you will likely be advised to avoid wearing makeup or applying any strong/harsh skincare ingredients to your face for a period of time. Likewise, sunscreen and sun protection are critical in the days following your treatment.

Are PRP facials better than anti-wrinkle injections?

Technically, they’re two different treatments with slightly different outcomes. While anti-wrinkle injections are an extremely effective way to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing the nerves that cause wrinkles in your face, PRP facials offer a more natural cosmetic solution. 

Essentially, a PRP facial naturally increases the production of collagen to help offer anti-ageing benefits (reduced fine lines, improved texture and smoothness, even skin tone, etc.). However, it isn’t uncommon for patients to harness the power of both by combining these two treatment types, particularly if anti-ageing is the goal.